Start Up Party!
So yesterday we had the Start Up Party for all the students here in Steyr! First Ulle came to me and we had some predrinks before we met up with Hanna and Jessica at our meeting point and then we went to our buddie Albins place. He had a preparty so it was us the four swedish girls and a bunch of austrians. The most of the guys had the traditional austrian clothes on but the girls had normal clothes. We learned tha guys some swedish, yeah just the guys because the girls was to scared to talk to us I think, maybe because we are from sweden, i dont know.. After two hours we took a cab to the real Party and we had so much fun. It was a crazy night in so many different ways. Example, you had to pay 1 euro to get the glas with your drink in and then when you where finished you had to take the glas back to the bar and you got your 1 euro back! Anyway, we danced all night and we took the bus home at two.
It is a bakery next to my apartment and it is only open during the nights and its so noisy, so sometimes i wake up during the night because of them. But yesterday when we got back we had some cakes there and it was so good! I think that they sholud gives us some cakes everyday because of all the noise they are doing, but yeah Josefin, dream on! Anyway I had class this morning at 8 am so I had just four hours of sleep so i am really tired right now. Maybe you think that I should go to sleep but Nope i am not! I have to go to the gym and work out, i have to get in shape again. Then am I going to school to change a class and then it is Swedish Tacos night tonight! Mumsfilibaba!! It will be sooo good and we invited some austrians to join us so it will be fun aswell! I have to go now, Harold is almost sleeping in my sofa so I have to be a little bit social and maybe wake him up! Yeah, maybe you are woundering why I am writing in english but thats because of Harold, he wants so know what i am writing in my blog! See you babes!!
You can continue to write in English
Haha undrar hur han tolkar Mumsfilibabba... :)